Our Philosophy

Dismantle Diet Culture and Empower Yourself

Diet culture infiltrates every aspect of life, stifling its vitality. We see dieting as a form of disordered eating, hindering our ability to nourish and honor our bodies. We dismantle that mindset here and focus on empowering YOU.

Delicious burger with crispy fries symbolizing freedom from diet culture and embracing a healthy relationship with food

Diets are often pursued as a “quick fix” for altering body shape or weight. Such pursuits are frequently influenced by trends and advice found on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Those who are at risk may develop a clinically significant eating disorder – a potentially fatal diagnosis. Eating disorders have the second-highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders, surpassed only by opioid addiction. (Chesney, 2014). 

**If you are concerned, information and treatment options are available at the Alliance for Eating Disorders.

If you’re here today questioning your worth and right to a healthy relationship with your body and food… we see you. And we are here to support you. It doesn’t have to be like this any longer.

Our team takes an individualized approach. We utilize Health at Every Size®, All Foods fit, and Intuitive Eating principles with all of our clients. (Learn more on our Resources page here!).

At Paradine Shift, we dismantle diet culture and empower you to thrive. We believe everyone, regardless of size, shape, or color, deserves healthcare and a life free from judgment and guilt about their identity.

If you’re ready to take the first step, schedule a FREE 15-minute discovery call with us today!



  1. Chesney, E., Goodwin, G. M., & Fazel, S. (2014). Risks of all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders: a meta-review. World Psychiatry, 13(2), 153-160.
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